Saturday, December 20, 2014

When Is It Going To Be Over?

My life starts of with a choas....ends like a choas...still goes on in a choas.

When is it going to be over...

When can things get any better
why am I still treated badly...and I am just 23 years old.
When is the time to move on already.

To live aboard
To live far away from here
To be away from people who are fucked up
Away from home

I need a hero
I need someone to take me from here
To help me run away
To make me protected for once
To make me free
To make me laugh
To make me happy
To make my day full of joy
When can I leave...??

.....Nothing happen, as I kept calling for help.
No one cares I guess.
No one ever care about what going on in my life
No one see my inner self

If I just be away from here, everything will be just fine
everything will fantastic
Amazing, fabulous
I will be free

Following my dreams
Following what I really want to be
Reaching my goal, and become what I hope to be

Also, To be myself, to dress up the way I want
To do things I want

I cant wait for this to come...I am hoping... Things to be over! 

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Fresh New Start

Hello, I'm back...

Did you ever realized or start to get aware of things right away?

Probably you didn't or maybe you didn't notice it yet, but tell you something...

I did....

Well a lot of things happened to me lately and right now I moved on, I'm glad...

I changed...

There is many things, issues, and situations, that can cause a person to change. A person can change, for a number of reasons, and in many different ways. Often a person changes, from experiences he/she learns from. All through life, you are going to learn things, from different experiences. As I am right now!These different experiences, can be good or bad. Experiences can teach you, how to deal with certain changes in your life. Learning from different experiences, can change the way a person thinks and feels about something.

The way a person thinks, is a huge factor on his/her life, and the factor on the people around that person. The way you act and think, effects people you are around often. If you treat people calmly with respect, they will know you truly know how to treat people the right way.

Some people don't care about respect, and they treat others, the way they want to treat them. I am pretty sure, that we all have seen people like this. If a person is careless about respect, they soon will learn how to give respect. Then they will change for the good, and take that lesson and think about it for the future.

But listen carefully its all depends on your own perspective to change to good or to bad...I changed to good, changed my own perspective into something totally new in my life...Is loving yourself, is to enjoy every moment of it, think positively all the time, Pray! yeah I said pray! praying is also another solution to bring you some changes in your life..and I am glad I changed to better! Never been happier! And you can do it as well...

Saturday, September 22, 2012


I have just read someone's page and guess what.... I am thankful. Never thought she going to stand back on her feet again, knowing every little things around her is making her happy. I'm glad she notice it and right now  I am also noticing the little things around me. Actually I always notice it but never thought deeply about it...Just as light brightens darkness, discovering inner fulfillment can eliminate any disorder or discomfort. This is truly the key to creating balance and harmony in everything you do.
The elemental fact, present in our consciousness every moment of our existence, is: I am life that wills to live, in the midst of life that wills to live. ... The essence of the humane spirit is: Preserve life, promote life, help life to achieve its highest destiny. The essence of Evil is: Destroy life, harm life, hamper the development of life.If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal. Not to people or things.Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made up of little things. It is that, but really, it's about how we don't recognise the little things in life, or appreciate the little things in life like belonging. A sense of belonging is a big thing today.
I’m grateful for anything that reminds me of what’s possible in this life. Books can do that. Films can do that. Music can do that. School can do that. It’s so easy to allow one day to simply follow into the next, but every once in a while we encounter something that shows us that anything is possible, that dramatic change is possible, that something new can be made, that laughter can be shared.No matter how bad things look, you are always being blessed. Ask yourself, ‘What is the blessing here?’ and express gratitude for the awareness that comes to you.
  I tend to make a written or mental list of the things I do each day. Then give myself a mental credit for each of them, however small. This will help me focus on what I have done instead of what I haven't gotten around to do. It may sound simplistic, but it works. Hope I keep up the good work. I'm thankful for everything.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


This month I realized something. That no one cares what other think only themselves,that's selfish of course.I travel to a far place just to forget what is happening. I tend to entertain myself to not over think. But it didn't work, I got my both parents involve on my problem and it made it worse for me. Can I live in peace please?  

   I have a cousin who tend to do everything for me, even when she has exams., thanks to her I am happy now. She amazing! Funny! And lovely! I rather stay here than coming back.  

  People here are so polite and friendly..I wish I can live here.but my annoying parents doesnt want me to stay as usual. They make scenes for nothing. They comment about me just for fun. What is this! I am not a kid to control me! Leave me alone!..I am sick of their behaviors...

  I want someone to understand me just for honest I am with everyone, how protective I am for my loved ones! How sweet and caring I am to them..I want them to understand that I will love them forever! I will always stay beside them!<3

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Letter To You!

  A Friendship is sweet when it's NEW….But it is SWEETER when it's TRUE!….

   But you know what? it is SWEETEST when it is YOU…. Like a candle in the dark….

  make every thing feel bright... you may be out of my sight but you will always be deep in my heart…

My dearest, you brought tears to my eyes… i am so thankful that i have you in my life, and the fact that my friends are very few does not upset me AT ALL, for i have you, and having YOU makes me content and pleased… i am very honored to be the well of your secrets, this means the world to me.. and i want you to know that your secrets are NEVER a burden on me

Our friendship is a miracle itself.. a bless.. a strength that enables us to go on along this bumpy road knowing things will be just fine, becuz at the end of the day, we know we each have someone who cares about us no matter what happens… or what wrong we may do

It is such a wonder how when it comes to us, we treat each other differently, I have never managed to treat other friends the way I treat you! I have never managed to accept their faults, nor bare with some qualities of theirs which contradict to my own.. we should not be harsh on people nor judgmental, but I am ashamed to say I have not achieved this with some people, and proud to know I can never judge you, nor feel agitated about anything you do or say.. isn’t it a wonder? Alhamdulillah, knowing there is someone in this world I feel this way about lets me realize I have been given a gift millions have never dreamed of obtaining…

Sunday, March 18, 2012


I am so bored, there is nothing to do only doing simple stuff......Oi Oi I wanna go out with friends and have fun! I feel I'm homesick! ((O_o)) Wish to go out so badly! I wish there some neighbor friends to hang out! but its been years not hanging with any neighbors, Its kinda boring! I think I am better off to read a story or something, that would be fun maybe. So........Any idea?? mmmmmm... I think I can read twilight? Nop! Manga? Yes!...........Manga it is!! so I will read manga then i can read something different after it so I''ll then continue writing here about what manga i chose and what it is about! Soo bye bye!


           This morning i woke up early at around 7:30 to get ready for Uni...........In a while later, a message from my friend......"Ruru uni is closed have a good sleep :)"...........I was O.o "What! Oi I just finished wearing my cloth agrrrrrr!" Lool I was really excited to go uni, cuz i have spending  my spring break at home so its really boring! Anyway my aunt's driver is waiting for me downstairs so instead of staying home and changing my cloth i went to the shopper market to fool around! I bough some stuff for home, then I bought chocolate :D yummy! Then I came back home.
           I began to watch animes until my mom wakes up, maybe we can watch a movie or something together! Anyway my mom wake up and was wearing her cloth already to leave with my aunt to go the the hospital to check for a blood test. So i waited for mom, then we both went to the shopper market and we were........(O.o) wth! why everything is done! The shopper market is so crowed and a lot of people are looking for items but it was done already. So i was saying to mom " Mom, let chase people for items?" she began to laugh.........Then I looked at the old man holding lemons and I was........Oi Oi (O.o) Give me the lemons you old man!........He began to laugh and I was ((+_+)) not funny mister!

Then an old lady passed by holding tomatoes! And I was ((O_o)) Oi Oi Oi!! ( ̄ー ̄)Give me the tomatoes!............. (ノಠ益ಠ)............. (►.◄) -took the bag and ran away!-.............Just kidding I didnt acually did it but i wanted to, it would be hilarious chasing people's items 0;^........ (^_^)v
It was a fun day though acting silly!!   ≧ω≦